기사 메일전송

◆Hong Kong Han Times◆


■ ‘K-Food MasterChef in Hong Kong 2024’ Competition

 The Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong, under the leadership of Director Choi Jae-won, hosted the ‘K-Food MasterChef in Hong Kong 2024’ competition on Sunday, November 10, at the Towngas Cooking Centre.


Co-organized with various affiliated organizations of the Korean government, this competition aimed to highlight the excellence of Korean sauce culture, particularly Red pepper paste(Gochujang), Doenjang(Soybean paste), and soy sauce, in anticipation of its potential inclusion on the UNESCO list in December 2024.

The event consisted of an online preliminary round followed by a final round, featuring 13 participants from diverse backgrounds, including chefs, hotel management students, teachers, homemakers, and corporate employees, all showcasing their culinary skills.

The judging panel comprised Lee Jong-seok, Chairman of the Association of Korean Restaurants In Hong Kong; Chef Choi Jun-woo from the Korean restaurant ‘obp’; and Chef  Yong Soo, Do from ‘Liberty Group’. Contestants were required to incorporate at least one of the following sauces: Soy sauce, Red pepper paste, or Doenjang. The judges assessed the dishes based on six criteria: thematic relevance, composition, flavor, presentation, complexity, and creativity.


    In the picture are Director Choi Jae-won (left), first-place winner Paula Poon, and Lee Jong-seok, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Korean Restaurant Association (right) 

 1st Place : The competition concluded with Paula Poon emerging as the winner for her Korean-style beef pie and raw shrimp kimchi, cleverly crafted using all three sauces: Red pepper paste(Gochujang), Doenjang(Soybean paste), and soy sauce, while drawing inspiration from the local Hong Kong chicken pie. 

  2nd Place :  Akniyet Nygmet for her dish ‘Eggsquisite Heart’, which features rice topped with gochujang sauce and a perfectly cooked egg. 

 3rd Place :Rachel Chan, recognized for her innovative Doenjang Basque Cheesecake, a unique fusion of doenjang (fermented soybean paste) and cheese that may be unfamiliar to many Koreans.

Food Judge Lee Jong-seok remarked on the challenge of creating creative dishes using traditional Korean Jang and thanked all participants for their outstanding culinary efforts. He noted that determining the winners was difficult due to the emphasis placed on taste, understanding, and utilization of jang, and presentation.

The judges commended the contestants for their thorough research and preparation regarding Jang-soybean paste and chili pepper paste in advance of the competition

The Korean Cultural Center also announced plans to expand its offerings next year, continuing its popular Korean food experience program while introducing additional opportunities to explore diverse culinary traditions, including traditional liquor. (Source: Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong)

Hong Kong Han Times / Reporting by Yusung, Lee

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  • 기사등록 2024-11-12 18:06:00
나도 한마디
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